Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Topic 3: Describe an advertisement you have seen/ heard recently.

 Ở những bài trước mình đã đề cập tới một số chủ đề như Topic 1 : Describle a family member you like . Topic 2 :  Describe a language other than English that you would like to lear. Lần này, mình xin tiếp tục bàn về Topic 3: Describe an advertisement you have seen/ heard recently.  

Bạn nên nói : 

  • When and where you saw it
  • What was advertised
  • What the contents of the advertisements were
  • And explain how you felt about it

Topic 3: Describe an advertisement you have seen/ heard recently.
Topic 3: Describe an advertisement you have seen/ heard recently.  

Dưới đây là mẫu câu trả lời band 8.0+ 

We have been bombarded with an array of information every single day. Whether it is newspaper, television or social media like Facebook or LinkedIn, news always has their own way to reach us. One of the most frequent pieces of news I have encountered these past few days was about Echelon Vietnam 2016 – Discover Asia’s Next Dragon.

As an avid Facebook user, I scroll down my newsfeeds board practically every 30 minutes to stay abreast of every latest action within my social network. Admittedly, there are some better things I can do but I just can’t help myself. Therefore, the fact that Echelon Vietnam 2016 repeatedly popped up on my newsfeed really caught my attention. Some of my friends were already “interested” in Echelon official page, others were even “going”. It piqued my interest so much that I paid a visit to their website to figure out what their gig was. As far as I am concerned, Echelon Vietnam 2016 this November is a 2-day international technology and investment event for entrepreneurs and business leaders within and outside Vietnam. It is appealing not only to big tech companies but tech savvy individuals as well. The event aims to reach out to foreign investors, raising funding opportunities and developing the tech and startup community in Vietnam in the era where tech disruptions are leading almost every industry. With some of the most brilliant and world-class speakers, attendees are going to get some food for thought and inspiration during and after the event.

I personally believe that this could be a golden opportunity for Vietnam to shine as a promising land where young and talented engineers, developers and entrepreneurs are thriving non-stop toward a better future, a better life within Vietnam and beyond. If I am able to schedule my time and afford the tickets, I will definitely be there to enjoy the vibe and explore many potentials in this rising industry.

Từ vựng và Thành ngữ thông dụng

  • be bombarded with: bị tấn công ( với nhiều thông tin, bị chỉ trích)
  • stay abreast of: cập nhật
  • pique someone’s interest: nảy sinh mối quan tâm, tò mò
  • pay a visit to: thăm
  • what one’s gig is (informal): một vài điều đặc biệt, điều thú vị là
  • tech savvy (a) hình thành hiệu quả trong việc sử dụng công nghệ hiện đại
  • food for thought:  vấn đề cần được cân nhắc
  • vibe (n):  tâm trạng, bầu không khí được tạo ra bởi một người, thứ gì đó, nơi nào đó
  • tech disruptions:  đổi mới mới nhất về công nghệ 

Bạn cũng có thể tham khảo thêm : 

Topic 1 : Describle a family member you like
Topic 2 :  Describe a language other than English that you would like to learn 

Hy vọng bài viết Topic 3: Describe an advertisement you have seen/ heard recently có ích cho bạn. Chúc bạn học tốt !

Xem thêm : tips for Ielts Speaking 

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